Joining Us
The RAOB (or Buffalos, or even more simply The Buffs) is a men’s organisation dating back nearly 200 years. Our aims are to come together for entertainment, whilst raising money and other benefits for charity.
In our heyday we provided huge assistance to local communities and hospitals — in some areas entire hospital wings were provided by the Buffs. We are a smaller group now, but still enjoy coming together for the same purposes.
We meet in local community areas all around the state, the country and the world with some meeting on a weekly, fortnightly, monthly or two monthly basis depending on the local area. The local meeting places are called Lodges.

A cheque for over $100,000.00 is presented to the Purple Bus Renal Unit (A mobile renal unit in the Northern Territory for aboriginal settlements)
What does it cost to join?
Each of the Lodges may charge a joining fee but many do not. The maximum fee that can be charged to join is $20 and is a once only payment.
You will be required to register at each meeting you attend with a small fee (normally $2.00).
There are no other fees or charges whatsoever to maintain your membership.
What happens at meetings?
The meeting is chaired and we have standing orders for dealing with any business that needs to be considered. After that we move into entertainment of various kinds, which includes a lot of in-house entertainment from members who may play various instruments, sing, tells stories and yarns etc. We have some very talented musicians who are excellent entertainers.
Beer, spirits and soft drinks are all available throughout the meeting along with various raffles and other disposals. A free supper is also provided.
What are my obligations as a member?
To maintain compliance as a member, you simply need to attend some of the meetings each year. There is no obligation to attend every meeting, nor are you required to stay until the conclusion of each meeting. You may retire from a meeting at any time you so choose.
The only obligations on our members are to respect each other and to respect our traditions.
You may attend any meetings not only of the local Lodge that you have joined, but also you can attend any number of Lodges in any area you so choose.

Progression through the Order
As members continue to attend, and providing they maintain their compliance with a particular Lodge, they will progress through four ‘ranks’ of recognition and upon achieving the next ‘rank’ will receive an honorary title which is how they are then addressed at meetings.
This progression is at no cost to the member and the regalia pertaining to a particular ‘rank’ is provided by the Lodge.
How do I join?
Contact our Secretary on 0400 710 361. We will determine where we meet closest to you and be able to advise you when we meet. If the times or dates of the closest meeting place are not suitable for you, our Secretary will work out with you which other meeting would best suit your commitments.
Our Secretary will then arrange with the Lodge concerned to send officers to meet you and complete your membership application.
Please remember that you are under no obligation at any time to continue your membership application and once you have joined us there is no obligation or charge of any description if you decide that you don’t want to continue your membership. It is all entirely at your discretion.
We have members from all walks of life and all types of working experiences. Everyone is welcome.
Come and enjoy some meetings and help the local community and charities at the same time.